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Local Governance

Royal Park Primary Academy Governing Body Constitution

Royal Park Primary Academy is part of The Kemnal Academies Trust [TKAT] which is a multi-academy trust that was established on 1st September 2010. Local Governing Bodies [LGB] have been established for each Academy and they are responsible for fulfilling the strategic governance role.

For information about TKAT governance - https://www.tkat.org/about-us/governance

For TKAT scheme of delegation - chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://tkat-trust.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/document/TKAT-Scheme-of-Delegation-2021-App-2-updated-Aug-23.pdf?t=1727941249?ts=1727941249

Please click HERE to view the Master Funding Agreement, Articles of Association and Accounts.

For information about TKAT trustees - https://www.tkat.org/about-us/meet-the-trustees

For TKAT key information - https://www.tkat.org/about-us/key-information-documents

Composition of Local Governing Bodies (LGBs)

The Scheme of Delegation deliberately does not prescribe the composition of LGBs.  This is to allow flexibility, particularly where LGBs are federated.

Therefore, although the Board of Trustees reserves the right to determine the composition of LGBs, in practice an LGB is free to determine its own composition to ensure that it is able to carry out the core delegated functions. 

Most Governing Bodies in TKAT are composed of:  2 parents, 2 Staff, the Headteacher and appointed Governors as appropriate. 


Parents Governors are ideally parents of children currently in school (elected by a ballot of current parents), where this is not possible somebody who is a parent of child in the school or is the parent of a child in another school could be appointed.  There should be a minimum of 2 parents on each LGB.  Parents who would be eligible to stand as a staff governor at the school, or are an elected councillor are not eligible to stand as a parent governor.


It is good practice to have one member of the teaching staff and one member of the support staff on the LGB  (elected by the staff).  Governors who are employed by the Academy or by TKAT generally should not be Chair or Vice Chair of the LGB, or of individual committees, other than in exceptional circumstances.  The majority of governors should not be employed by the Academy.

The Headteacher can choose whether they sit on the Governing Body as a voting member or in a non-voting advisory capacity.


Appointed Governors is a catchall phrase for all other governors, including what used to be called community Governors.  Whilst the Board of Trustees reserves the right to appoint these Governors directly in practice this is usually left to the LGB.  Once the size and composition of the Governing Body is determined there is no scope to co-opt further Governors (but it can include others on the LGB as advisors in a non-voting capacity).  The Appointed Governors should form a majority.

Structure and Composition

Where an LGB serves more than one school there is the flexibility to determine a composition according to the needs of the school.  Possible models include:

  • Separate Governing Bodies for each school, with individual Governors serving on more than one LGB
  • A single LGB for all of the schools involved in the agreement
  • An executive committee serving all the schools and sub-committees for each of the schools

The agreed composition of the LGB needs to be recorded and publicised on the school website, with changes to composition and membership recorded within the minutes of relevant meetings.   

For correspondence with the Chair of Governors please address to Mrs C Thomas – Clerk to Governors and deliver via the school office.

Governor Type Number
Headteacher 1
Staff Governors 1
Parent Governors 2
Appointed Governors 6
Vacancies 1


Governor List 2024 - 2025

Name Governor Type Elected by Area of Responsiblity Declaration of interest including transactions up to 31st August 2024 Terms of Office 
Penny Holmes Ex Officio Appointeed by TKAT Headteacher from May 2021 Partner a Teacher at Royal Park since July 2021  
Susan Manzi Consultant Chair of Governors  Appointed by LGB



Safeguarding & Behaviour

NIL return

Curent term: 

22.06.22 - 21.06.26

Start date: 


Yemisi Saromi Parent Elected by parents

Attendance & Wellbeing



NIL return

Current term:

01.02.21 - 31.01.25

Start date:


Cory Bassett Staff  Elected by staff - NIL return

Current term:

28.09.21 - 27.09.25

Start date:


Merisha Wright Parent Elected by parents Attendance & Wellbeing NIL return

Current term:

21.06.22 - 20.06.26

Start date:


Janine Wooster Appointed Vice Chair Appointed by LGB SEND & Disadvantaged Chair of Governors at Shenstone Academy and Governor at Backfen school since 2022

Current term: 

21.02.23 - 20.02.2027

Start date:


Daniel Portsmouth Appointed Appointed by LGB Curriculum Head of School at Cleeve Park Secondary from 01.09.24. 

Current term: 

17.10.23 - 16.10.27


Start date:


Amar Pandey Appointed Appointed by LGB Finance and Health & Safety NIL Return

Current term: 

16.07.24 - 15.07.28

Start date:


Kenneth Newman Appointed Appointed by LGB Finance and Health & Safety Has a close relation who is Trustee at Woodland Academy Trust, Knockhall Primary, Kent Director of Compass Partnership of Schools, Alderwood Primary School and Ofsted Inspector London Region.  Interest began 20.02.2024

Current term: 

20.02.24 - 19.02.28

Start date:


Carol Thomas     Clerk to Governors Works as a clerk across other TKAT schools  


Governor's attendance 2023 - 2024


Penny Holmes 100%
Claire Hilton 100%
Susan Manzi 100%
Yemisi Saromi 66%
Cory Bassett 80%
Merisha Wright 83%
Janine Wooster 100%
Orianna Caruso 50%
Daniel Portsmouth 75%
Ken Newman 100%
Amar Pandey 100%
Carol Thomas (Clerk) 100%


Governor resignations 2024 - 2025

Name Governor type Area of responsibility Decleration of interest Term of office Attendance
Yemisi Saromi Parent Wellbeing Nil return


01.02.21 - 31.01.25

Start date:


Resigned: 09.10.24

Orianna Caruso Appointed Finance & Health & Safety Nil return


01.11.22 - 31.10.26

Start date:



