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At Royal Park, we believe that all children can and will be successful in mathematics.

We understand the importance of children having a secure foundation in their understanding of mathematics; which will allow them to apply this knowledge and skills to the wider world around them. Our school has a mastery approach to maths - which means that the whole class moves through the topics at broadly the same pace. We study each topic in depth and explore the different areas of mathematics through a variety of representations to ensure children have a deep understanding and can apply their knowledge in different contexts and real life situations.

At Royal Park, we know that children must have a secure understanding of place value and the four operations and with this solid foundation children can then develop and build connections to apply their skills and knowledge to other areas of the national curriculum for maths. Our curriculum promotes critical thinking skills, application of ideas in different contexts and a strong focus on fluency with place value and the four operations being studied in depth twice a year to ensure the secure foundation is there to build upon. Children are expected to explain and reason fully in lessons using accurate and precise maths language. Our teachers understand the importance of language and communication in relation to mathematics, they know that children must be able to accurately discuss mathematics in order to demonstrate a clear understanding of topics. 

Please have a look on the White Rose Webstite here for more information.


By the end of Early Years, children should be able to reliably count from 1 to 20 and have a secured understanding of the order of numbers and 1 more and 1 less than numbers to 20.

Pupils should be able to use quantities and objects to support their learning to add and subtract single digit numbers. By the end of the year, children should be able to recognise, create and describe patterns and use maths language to discuss size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time, money, to compare quantities and solve problems. 

Key Stage 1

The foremost learning in KS1 mathematics is to ensure that children develop a secure understanding and fluency with whole numbers, 1: 1 correspondence and place value. This will involve working with numerals, words, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division which will be accompanied and supported through the use of practical resources and concrete representations. 

At this stage of their learning journey, pupils develop their ability to draw, recognise, describe, compare and sort different shapes and use the appropriate related maths vocabulary. Teaching will also involve using a range of practical equipment and measurements to compare different quantities such as length, mass, capacity/volume, time and money. 

By the end of Year 2, pupils should know the number bonds up to 20 and use these facts to apply to related problems up to 100. Children will be more precise in using and understanding place value systems. At this stage pupils will be expected to have regular practice to aid fluency and use/spell the vocabulary appropriate for thor spelling knowledge for KS1. 

Lower Key Stage 2

The main focus for pupils by the end of lower key stage 2 is to ensure pupils to become increasingly fluent with whole numbers and the four operations, including number facts and the concept of the place value system. During year 3 and 4 children will be provided with many opportunities to develop efficient written and mental methods and perform calculations accurately with increasingly large whole numbers. 

Children should develop their ability to solve a range of problems including simple fractions and decimal place value questions. Teaching will also focus on pupils being able to reason using appropriate mathematical vocabulary. They will become more familiar with measuring instruments and making more connections between measure and number. 

By the end of year 4 pupils should have memorised their multiplication times table up and including the 12 times tables and show precision and fluency in the recall of these facts. Pupils should read and spell mathematical vocabulary correctly and confidently using their growing word reading knowledge and their knowledge of spelling. 

Upper Key Stage 2

The principal focus of Maths teaching in the upper Key Stage 2 is centred around extending children’s knowledge of the number system and place value to include larger numbers and with a focus on decimals. Pupils will also begin to make more connections between multiplication and division with fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio. Children will be expected to be able to solve a wider range of problems with increasingly larger and more complex numbers. Pupils will have regularly practice and must think about the most efficient methods to solve problems. 

When teaching topics such as geometry and measure children will be expected to consolidate and develop their use of numbers in these contexts. Children will have increasing exposure to classifying shapes with complex geometric properties and that they learn the vocabulary needed to describe them. 

By the end of Year 6, pupils should be fluent in written methods for all four operations, including long multiplications and division and be competent in working with fractions, decimals and percentages. Pupils should read, spell and pronounce mathematical vocabulary correctly.

Ambition for SEND children in Maths at Royal Park

Ambition - What are we aiming for children with SEN to achieve in this subject?

  • All children at Royal Park are to develop a strong sense of number and the four operations.
  • They will have the ability to choose the challenge they wish to complete. Teachers provide a range of challenges and can offer guidance however, ultimately all children have access to all levels of work. 
  • Children with SEN will receive extra provision in smaller groups and their objectives are taken from the curriculum and broken down into smaller steps so that children can achieve their full potential. 
  • At Royal Park SEN children are exposed to the same range of maths including shape, statistics and time. We do not assume that children who may need extra support in number will also need it in shape. 
  • SEN children are exposed to the full range of the maths curriculum including shape, statistics and time. We do not assume that children who may need extra support in number will also need it in shape.

Access - What amendments are made to the subject in order to help children with SENs to achieve?

  • Children at Royal Park receive a curriculum pitched appropriately to the level of the children’s ability. All children regardless of ability will study the same maths objective as the rest of the class but the work will be appropriately challenging for that child’s needs. 
  • We employ a spiral curriculum here at Royal Park which allows children to consolidate the core building blocks of mathematics such as place value and the four operations. This will allow children with SEN more time and opportunities to understand the concepts and vital knowledge they need to access the learning in other areas of maths. 
  • We use lots of concrete and pictorial  resources which allow children to gain greater insight and understanding of their maths learning. 
  • Children with SEN will have access to pre/post interventions to top up learning and improve their ability to recall information they have been taught.
  • Working Walls provide visual and procedural reminders for children to refer to. 

Support for Parents

Expectations for Maths

Maths at Royal Park:

First of all, from everyone here at Royal Park, we would like to thank you for all the ongoing support of your children’s learning in these challenging times. We understand that the adaptation to online learning has been no easy feat and you should be incredibly proud of all the support you have been offering your children! 

We have made this document so that parents will be more aware of the end of year expectations for children in their respective year groups. It also offers further guidance and direction to specific resources that you might find useful to help your children when they are struggling or looking for interactive ways to continue their learning. 

As a school our expectations for Maths are as follows:

  • That a piece of maths work is uploaded every day, for every live lesson taught. 
  • It is imperative that Maths is completed on paper and children show their working out. A photo of their work is then uploaded so that teachers can check if there are any errors being made in calculating the answer
  • Children should not be afraid to make mistakes. Any mistakes (as long as they are made to understand why it is wrong) leads children on the journey of understanding the correct method. Children should not fear or worry about making mistakes and should show our school value of resilience when they are struggling.
  • If your child is struggling with their maths work please contact the teacher via google classroom where they can offer further assistance.  

Ways to assist your child in their learning:

  • Start each day by asking your child about what they did in the lesson the day before. 
  • Where possible try and use real life objects to support their learning (spoons, rice, coins etc.) 
  • Do not tell the child the answer but try and support their working out to get to the correct answer.
  • Try and apply the maths to real life situations/examples. 
  • Talk about time, refer to the time at the different points in the day or an activity so they become familiar with time. 
  • Rewatch the live lessons if children are struggling with their Maths work